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C family languages: unlocking the benefits of C, C++, C# and Objective-C

C language family

C++, C# (C “sharp”), Objective-C and C are probably names you have come across, and so you have been wondering if they are different versions of the same thing. Each of them is the specific programming language of the C group. The C language is the oldest one, serving as a foundation for the latter languages. It was developed in the 1970s and initially was implemented in the first microcomputers of the 1980s. 

Nowadays, when languages of the C group can boast ubiquitous coding presence, it is worthwhile to familiarise yourself with C languages more. This post focuses on the peculiarities of each of these languages and possible areas of their implementation. So, let us proceed to the topic. 

C in C programming as a grandparent of object-oriented programming

C is not the object-oriented language itself – it uses the so-called structs, which help group values of basic kinds. Meanwhile, its relatives, C++, C#, and Objective-C, designed based on C syntax, have object-oriented features.  

Unlike other types of programming languages, which provide computers with tasks to tackle, object-oriented programming is grounded in virtual object development within their code. Each object has unique characteristics and capacities; each interacts with other objects. So, one analogy would be to think of object-oriented languages as a diverse set of building blocks. Some of them are designed to build a foundation for the tower, and some are primarily suitable for the top of the tower. 

The convenience of C languages lies in a defined structure for programmers to work with. At the same time, the approach is quite flexible: you can maintain some objects separately from the rest of the code and also reuse code blocks in the future. 

Now, when we are done with the introductory part, let us consider the specificities of using these programming languages 

C language highlights 

Despite its long history, the C language remains an efficient tool for operating system development. This programming language was initially created for building Unix, but now it is widely used for simple and compound projects:

This programming language comes with a variety of libraries with built-in operators. The process of code writing is both fast and reliable. After you learn the basics of C, you will quickly understand the basics of its fellows, C++ and C#. 

When to choose C? 

C++ language highlights: difference between C and C++

C++ preserves the speed of C and enriches the latter with object-oriented capabilities. This programming language was designed as an extension of C; hence, you can run most C code units within C++. The latter is also programme-independent and relatively easy to learn. In addition, C++ supports polymorphism and has a robust security level. 

When to choose C++?

C# language highlights

This modern language runs on Microsoft.NET and is usually implemented for Windows-based solutions. C# has a straightforward and less error-prone syntax and compiles into bytecode. Automatic memory management function implies language interoperability, bound-checking, type safety, etc. This programming language is actively used for enterprise software development, among other things. 

C plus plus vs C sharp: when to choose the latter?

Objective-C language highlights

Objective-C is a variation of C language, which is used by Apple for iOS development. People who ask the question of what are C languages sometimes may overlook Objective-C as an option for development.  However, it is perfectly suitable for adding object-based features to your application. Objective-C is also helpful for interacting with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. This language is mature and stable, and it also contains a powerful runtime system, allowing for dynamic binding.

When to choose Objective-C?

Wrapping up 

As you can conclude, the C language family offers some software development paths, and each programming language has its unique advantages over others. The choice of C# vs C++ vs Objective-C greatly depends on the concept of your future solution. So feel free to contact the PNN Soft team for a consultation on which programming language suits your idea the most. 

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