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R&D Services

IT research and development department of PNN Soft company develops innovative data mining and real-time signal processing methods and algorithms. We provide both scientific solutions and software implementation for a variety of fields.

Research And Development For Business | PNN Soft

Research and Development Services Company

PNN Soft aims to accumulate experience in creating solutions based on cutting-edge technologies. PNN Soft team provides high-professional innovative R&D methods and algorithms for working with data necessary for business process automation and efficient mobile and web applications. The primary focus of our technological research and development implies:

  • object tracking and video data processing;
  • AI, pattern recognition;
  • geographic information systems and remote data sensing;
  • human-computer interface;
  • linear and nonlinear analysis, numerical methods;
  • a procession of digital signals for various devices (Android, iOS).

R&D business advantages

It Research And Development | PNN Soft

The methods PNN Soft uses to provide scientific software solutions

It Research And Development | PNN Soft

Innovative solutions of the R&D department

The IT research and development team creates real-time signal processing methods and innovative data mining for scientific, medical and financial fields. Research and development company PNN Soft is ready for R&D services, contact us via the form below.