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Privacy Policy Health Diary


Healthy Diary Privacy Policy By PNN Soft

General Information 

Android application Health Diary is designed to record and store your health parameters of the human body and is intended to help avoid or prevent various chronic diseases: heart disease, blood vessels, diabetes, obesity, etc.


Information Collected By Healthy Diary

We collect some personal and fitness information. Application allows you to enter such data:

Also, application allows review stored data in form of diagram which displays your health parameters changes and import export data into .csv file.

Personal Information Security

Healthy Diary makes sure that every online communication with our customers meets our high standards of privacy and security. By default, private information is stored locally on the phone storage only. User has ability to send all data manually.

Android Speech Recognizer

We use speech recognition to provide input, specify an action or command, input data and accomplish tasks. Speech recognition is made up of a speech runtime, recognition APIs for programming the runtime, ready-to-use grammars for dictation and web search, and a default system UI that helps users discover and use speech recognition features.


Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and all updates will be posted on this page.

For detailed information, visit our website pnnsoft.com

If you have any concerns, questions, regarding this policy, feel free to contact us.