Project Description
Automated card system, developed by PNN Company is a complex software solution for the implementation of various operations with card products at the financial institutions (corporate and credit cards of the customers, etc.), as well as providing customer service on the client cards.
Our company offers services of the card system integration with a variety of enterprise systems of the customer, including:
- Integration with card processing centers (IS-Card, PUMB Processing center, etc.);
- Integration with automated banking systems (ABS), such as: ABS B2, ABS Scrooge (Scrooge ABS), etc.;
- Integration with enterprise systems (CRM, ERP, etc.);
- Integration with the call-center of the company.
System Interface
The main functionality of the card system by PNN:
- Client identification basing on the various data.
- Storage and displaying detailed information on the accounts attached to the cards, including account status and account balance, history and details of account transactions, account blocking, etc.
- Detailed information on the client cards (list of cards, cards information, lock/unlock the card, change limits, GSM-banking, etc.)
- Unlimited system access – support 24/7 using the internet connection – permanent online access to the system (via a web browser);
- Security – all the user activities in the system are protocoling (search, information changes, etc.) and are accessible by the system administrator and the security services, with the ability to filter by users, operation type, date and time of the operation, card number etc.;
- User-friendly interface – comprehensive interface for both system administrator and other users;
- User authorization in the system, access control (users, call-center operators, system administrators, etc.);
- Rapid tasks implementation;
- Major modern browsers support;
- System scalability – the possibility of extending the above functionality according to individual customer requirements.