Project Description
The System is the front office application to manage the process of the customers’ payment card release and support at the financial institution. The system architecture allows the combining of data from various subsystems in a single complex. This effectively reduces the time for customer service.
The software was specially developed by PNN Company to provide bank card issuing services to the customers of the bank. The system architecture allows the combining of data from various systems in a single complex. This effectively reduces the time of customer service.
- Account creation in the background mode according to the Registry Database;
- Displays basic information about the customers’ agreements;
- Displays detailed information on the customer’s agreement;
- New agreement creation;
- Creation of the fee revenue collection documents;
- Digital signature mechanism;
- Contractor bank card verification without creating documents for the fee revenue collection;
- Issue the pre-personalized bank card;
- Main bank card opening process;
- Additional bank card opening process;
- Additional account opening process;
- Credit limit set up the process;
- Project agreement changing process;
- Additional parameters updating process;
- Closure of the contract;
- Contract product code updating process;
- Print forms of the contracts;
- Displays basic information on bank cards;
- Displays detailed information on bank cards;
- Bankcard activation process;
- GSM banking service activation;
- GSM banking services deactivation;
- Bankcard limit set up;
- Bankcard cancellation process;
- Bankcard additional parameters update;
- Bank card/additional card reissuing in case of expiry;
- Bank card/additional card reissuing in case of loss or damage;
- Bankcard pay-in through the cash desk;
- Bankcard decommissioning out of balance;
- Bankcard commission charging.
Technical features:
- Server Platform: IBM Websphere Process Server 7.0, IBM WebSphere Portal Server 7.0, Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5
- Target browsers: IE 8.0, IE 9.0
- GUI framework: JSP, JSF, Portlets, Ajax
- Databases: Oracle SQL Server
- Data access: JDBC
Business logic:
- The business logic of interaction with the B2 and IS-Card systems is performed through Web Services, published on the ESB Bank.
- All business processes are implemented as processes run by IBM Websphere Process Server.
- Jasper Engine is used for reporting.
- Timeline: 6 months (01.04.2012 – 30.09.2012)
- Resources: project manager, analyst, developers, testers
- Development methodology: adapted RUP
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