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PNN Soft has released the PRO version of the inCarDoc iOS mobile app

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The team of mobile development our company has implemented additional features of the popular automotive mobile app inCarDoc iOS, which allows connection to the onboard system of the car and reads the engine parameters in real-time. 

In the inCarDoc iOS PRO-version, we added new features such as real-time parameters recording; reading, displaying, and reading multiple parameters simultaneously; recording parameters in background mode; viewing and sending recorded parameters traces; GPS support; uploading recorded data to server www.incardoc.com and other.

To try the advantages of the new functions, you can buy them in the app already installed on your phone. If you still don’t have inCarDoc, use this link to download it.

Let’s remind the inCarDoc app is also available for Android mobile devices. Previously, we released the PRO version of the Android app, now adding enhanced functionality to the iOS application. Instructions on installing, configuring, and using the application, you can find on the app web page incardoc.com