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Summer party PNN Soft 2021

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The PNN Soft team prefers outdoor recreation and this summer was no exception. PNN Soft company spent a day at a summer corporate party in the country complex “Baza les”. The weekend included a buffet, active entertainment, and gifts.

Since the PNN Soft team prefers active recreation, we were provided with many entertainment options. There were volleyball and football fields, a tennis court, table tennis, badminton, billiards, bowling lanes, a climbing wall, and a rope park were available for employees on the territory of the country complex. There were several tournaments held. Teams compete in Football and volleyball, bowling, billiard, and tennis. The winners and best players have been rewarded with medals and cups. 


Summer corporate party at PNN Soft

PNN Soft employees received unforgettable impressions and spent a productive day in the friendly collective of our company.