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incardoc.com web resource for users of OBD2 app

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incardoc.com web service for motorists, users of mobile applications inCarDoc

The users of mobile applications inCarDoc iPhone/Android can create Personal Account at the web service via their smartphone or directly on the website InCarDoc.com and get a flexible tool for analyzing car performance.

The service provides advanced features for drivers and motorists, and provides the following functionality:

All this is available in driver’s Personal Account. Moreover, there is a possibility for the newcomers who have not set up the Personal Account to see the demo by clicking the Test Drive. Test drive offers all the features of the real account, view examples of the car parameters display, OBD records, routes and maps with the only difference – no possibility to edit and the data.

At incardoc.com there is a lot of useful information about the OBD-II protocol and inCarDoc Android/iPhone App (application configuring, etc.)

Let’s remind that the inCarDoc application for vehicle diagnostics is available for users of Android and iPhone devices. For Android users there is also extended version – inCarDoc PRO, which provides additional opportunities for drivers: real-time parameters’ reading, recording, displaying as well as recording multiple parameters at the same time, parameters recording in the background mode, GPS support, data mapping, console mode for manual PID input for advanced users, etc. For detailed information, please, visit InCarDoc.com web service.

Also, our company provides mobile and web applications development on demand. You can find the Portfolio of mobile applications development on our website.