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Information Architecture is a priority tool for positive UX

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Every time we use a website or a mobile application, we interact with the interface. It provides us with the information in the right form or allows us to search. Most people are used to interacting easily with digital products. 

Since many of them are structured and easy to use. Designers and developers do this work by organizing content and navigation systems for easy perception. The science that helps specialists in structuring content is called Information Architecture. Without proper content sorting, most users get lost when navigating a website or application. As a result, this calls the value of the product into question. Therefore, IA is an important aspect of UX design

In this article, we will look at what is an information structure. How does it work in design, and what is its role? 

What is the impact of AI on UX design? | PNN Soft

What is Information Architecture?

Information architecture combines organization, naming, navigation, and search systems implemented in an information system. It provides users with tips on how to navigate the product they are using. 

As a rule, the information architecture determines what data should be placed on each page and how to link the pages to each other at the level of an entire website or application. 

Information Architecture is aimed at organizing content. Therefore, users can easily adapt to the functionality of the product and can find everything they need. 

The content structure depends on various factors and the type of products and offers that companies have. First of all, IA experts take into account the specifics of the needs of the target audience. Architecture has become fundamental research in many areas, including UX design and software development.

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Why is Information Architecture important?

Information Architecture (IA) – is a visual representation of the infrastructure, functions, and hierarchy of a product. The level of detail depends on the designer. Therefore, IA can include the following:

There are no set limits on the size or shape of the IA. As a rule, AI covers the generalized structure of the product. The user can read it and understand how the product works.

IA provides designers with an overview of the entire product. Having a single document that provides a simple and understandable idea of how a website works is significant for developing new features and updating existing products. IA provides an opportunity for simplified understanding and making key decisions on new functions and implementations. Also, understand the timing of making changes to the product. 

AI and UX design 

Many designers and developers think that IA is only part of the work of a UX designer. There is no doubt that these areas are inextricably linked. But it’s not the same thing. IA is a diagram of the project structure, which can be generated in the form of wireframes and diagrams of project objects. UX designers use them as basic materials so that they can plan a navigation system. 

First of all, UX designers strive to create a pleasant interaction model for free use. They cover various aspects that affect the behaviour and actions of users. IA skills are necessary for designers. Effective IA makes the product easy to use. Combined with design thinking, the product will have a powerful user interface. An actual Information Architecture is the key to a positive user experience. In large and specialized companies, a UX designer can perform the role of an IA. But, on large and complex projects, it is better to have a dedicated specialist. 

Why information architecture is important in UX? | PNN Soft

Principles based on information architecture

UX design services from PNN Soft

Information architecture is an invaluable tool for user interface design. This allows your users to navigate your digital products. That is why information architecture is an invaluable basis for any project. Well-organized and structured content makes the site easier to use. The cooperation of the designer and the information architect will increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the product. 

PNN Soft is a reliable developer company that follows the latest trends in the modern IT market. The Celtic experience is important for us. Therefore, we offer various services ranging from software development and UX design. We provide a team of specialized designers to work on projects of any complexity. 

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