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Integrating Dynamic CRM with Modern Tech Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Management System

PNN Soft has already written repeatedly about the development of CRM solutions. We discussed the nuances of the system and its use by various business spheres. Firstly, our in-depth knowledge and interest in the topic are primarily due to our experience in the development of custom CRM systems. Secondly, there is a growing demand among businesses for this solution. We specialize in custom CRM development. PNN Soft main task is to adapt the system to the unique needs of the company and implement it according to the specifications and resources of the customer. For more information about what the CRM system is, its clarification and benefits, please visit our blog.

The issue of CRM integration

The integration process remains essential, no matter what Customer Relationship Management System the business chooses. A high-quality process will eventually allow realizing the full potential of the system and to use it efficiently. However, the more complex and broader the CRM, the more time-consuming the integration process is.  In addition, a misleading or neglect of some integration steps can be costly for a company.

Conventionally, we can distinguish two groups: seamless integration of the system with other business tools and direct implementation of CRM system to the company with thorough preparation. To develop a custom CRM system and its subsequent integration, we recommend you contact the IT company to get CRM consulting services for your business.

This step-by-step guide is designed to clarify the process of integration of dynamic CRM with modern technological solutions by providing information and recommendations.

Advantages of CRM integration is a comprehensive control

CRM integration services offers a multitude of benefits for businesses. The case of working with potential or permanent customers implies the inclusion of different departments of the company. Each of which, Sales Director, Head of Marketing Department or CMM manager, has an exclusive interest. High-quality integrated CRM allows experts to track and manage various stages of sales separately, take them to the overall goal – business efficiency. Access to real-time data and analysis allows for more effective decision-making and strategic planning. Customer relationship management provides a comprehensive view of the needs of the target audience and which of these needs can meet the company’s supply on the market.

How to blend efficient CRM with other instruments

Where to start and how to keep going. Pay attention to customer relationship management software integration with third-party apps and business tools. Firstly, it should be noted that not all the following solutions shouldn’t be unconditionally integrated into your CRM system. The tools are sequenced depending on business activities. We will provide a list of the most common tools to collaborate with CRM.

Communication channels such as email, phone, social media and online chat facilitates. Communication is a key factor in sales because even with the highest quality advertising, you can lose customers if you neglect communication channels. Business can track all stages of communication with customers at any stage, and not to lose potential consumers. Also, it increases their involvement and loyalty.

Marketing channels integrated into CRM can include lead management tools, prognostication tools, forms and surveys. This makes it easier to verify existing contacts with consumers and to learn about their needs.

Integration with business intelligence systems allows you to analyse data, create reports and perform predictive analytics, providing valuable information for strategic decision-making.

E-commerce Platforms:Integration with e-commerce platforms allows companies to track customer interactions, track purchase history, and provide personalized recommendations based on past behaviour.

API integration requires special attention itself, we will pat attention to it in the next paragraph.

What are CRM API integrations, and why are they important?

API is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software systems to communicate with each other. By integrating CRM systems with other applications, businesses can automate workflows, synchronize data, and improve functionality.

Follow general recommendations about how to integrate CRM

It’s time-consuming and costly to integrate the CRM system into a company, so it’s important to prepare well in advance. Therefore, for the implementation of such tasks, you can contact experts. PNN Soft has extensive experience in the development and integration of CRM systems.

There are 4 “golden rules” for the CRM integration:

  1. Phased implementation
  2. Strict observance of the plan
  3. Thorough testing
  4. Just take your time

Resource and software assessment. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of business requirements, technical constraints and stakeholder expectations. Whether the CRM system meets your requirements, and can it meet business needs at the current stage?

Planning and awareness. Employees of the company must be informed and ready to connect or switch to the new CRM system. The timetable for integration should be clear and highlight even the smallest stages of preparation.

Pre-configure (run foundation configuration of software). Define data matching rules to ensure smooth data transfer and synchronization between CRM and other systems. Map fields, objects, and workflows to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Finding and solving problems if those exist. The first testing process in which developers test the system in the company area.

Continue development and configuration. In this process, the development team can implement additional API and analysis tools.

We check how the system works at different levels of access. We test the program at high and low load.

Staff training and smooth integration of the system into the company. CRM systems can be quite complex and consist of a list of components. Staff should be aware of the system and its components and be able to use it flexibly or train new staff. Gradually implement integration to minimize failures and ensure a smooth transition. The progressive integration minimize failures and ensure a smooth transition.

Before to continue, give a look at Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 combines the functions of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM in a single platform. Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement is a modern and comprehensive tool for managing various processes in the company. Dynamics 365 integration generally covers the same stages of implementation as described above. It is important for developers and employees to review the software documentation before beginning integration. It is a powerful tool that easily integrates with other Microsoft products.

Well-prepared for CRM website integration?

Define the goals and objectives of the integration project, including the desired results and benefits. This allows a comprehensive assessment of company and software resources. As a result, CRM-ready business integration reduces the risk of errors during the process and smoothly introduces the system into the company’s use. A step-by-step approach optimizes resource allocation and improves the final efficiency of divisions. Finally, continuous performance monitoring is vital. Regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPI) and metrics to assess the impact of CRM integration on business results. 

PNN Soft has more than 20 years of experience and has implemented CRM solutions in various directions. We invite you to read our portfolio on this topic. For advice on the development and integration of the CRM system, please fill in the contact form below.