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Outsourcing software development to perform optimization in healthcare

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are booming and for good reason. It’s hard to imagine software for healthcare development without implementing these up-to-date technologies. However, AI and RPA are not brand-new concepts in the medical sector. According to Accenture, around 94% of healthcare executives reported that integrating intelligent automation solutions had accelerated dramatically over the past three years. All because AI and RPA are valuable tools for managing patient-related data, improving customer experience, and optimizing the supply chain. 

For the biggest healthcare players, the above-mentioned actions are keys for ensuring their failproof execution. Besides, the techs are becoming quite affordable and easy to work with. That’s why we suggest you take a closer look at this topic. 

First of all, Intelligent Automation (IA) combines AI techs, namely Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing with the automation itself. Healthcare Software Development Teams use Intelligent Automation for performing high-skill and complex tasks on unstructured and structured data sets. Basically, IA extends the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Business Process Automation (BPA) possibilities. The tool is also crucial for decision-making automation. RPA and BPA, by contrast, are aimed to automate repetitive, low-skill, and rule-based work processes. 

software for healthcare industry

So if you want to set up jump-starting digital optimization, you need to connect the head (machine learning and artificial intelligence) with the hands (RPA). But how can these instruments help customers to address challenges in the healthcare industry? Let’s dwell on the question in the next paragraph. 

Smart Process Automation for healthcare: how does it work?


We’ve prepared for you some bright examples of how IA benefits the healthcare system. 

  1. Scheduling patient appointment

If you want to ensure seamless system functioning, think over scheduling patient-provider meetings. For instance, you can customize the website’s experience by adding chatbots that analyze customers’ symptoms and offer suggestions. Also, chatbots may provide preliminary counseling, collect data to make an appointment, and recommend physicians. If users need to reschedule meetings or tackle insurance-related questions, bots are ready to help 24/7. The option is indispensable for healthcare companies on a large scale. Thanks to the solution, front office executives get more time for fulfilling more complex goals. That’s why building chatbots has become the in thing among huge healthcare enterprises. For experienced outsourcing developers, that kind of project is really doable.

  1. Harmonized discharge procedures

When your website has a patient management system (PMS), discharge procedures don’t take long. As the system collects patients’ data, you can deploy bots to automate the cycle. For instance, the feature optimizes getting approval from the medical staff, sending follow-ups, recommendations, and prescriptions. In such a way, companies get a chance to accept more patients and save administration time. 

  1. Insurance Claim and Billing Management

Receiving large amounts of information, transposing data to the system, and estimating it are repetitive and rule-directed actions. It means that most claim management processes can be optimized through Intelligent Automation. A question about data access for healthcare companies remains a subject of debate. Nowadays, bots acquire this information by considering surveys, computer-based patient records, or disease registries for improving services. And coming back to the claim settlement cycle, deployed bots carry out the following tasks:

A few more advanced functions:

  1. Inventory and Supply Chain Management

Finally, IA tech assists in managing non-clinical tasks. RPA, for example, notifies supply chain managers about patients’ needs and demands. As a result, maintaining inventory turns into a fast and easy process. What is more, an automated rule-based engine is a powerful tool when it comes to managing hospital rooms or medical resources. Yet another frequent request addressed to the dedicated development team.

Core benefits of Intelligent Automation

Dedicated development team, Smart Process Automation
  1. Increased efficiency with streamlined processes

Want to lower patient no-shows and improve customer satisfaction? Your primary step is to automate appointment scheduling. 

  1. Effective Compliance Management

How to perform pivotal business steps without worrying about following rules and workflows? Again, automation is the answer. As an example, role-based access control provides the privacy of customers’ information and data flows across numerous channels. 

  1. Better patient engagement 

Patients are usually involved in the cycle consisting of appointments, insurance claims, prescriptions, treatments, reports, and follow-ups. Automate this cycle and you will achieve a higher level of customer engagement.  

  1. Improved Healthcare Analytics

As we’ve already mentioned, customer data assists healthcare companies in ensuring better patient care. If you’re planning to work with patient segmentation, then the first thing you need is to collect essential data through automation. It doesn’t hurt to ask your Healthcare Software Development Team about additional tools for optimizing analytics. 

If you need to develop software for the healthcare industry, you’re in the right place 

Healthcare Software Development Team

PNN Soft provides clients with high-quality programming products. We deliver stable projects for different industries, including the healthcare sector. The company has 20 years’ experience in creating highly efficient solutions, but we are continually honing our skills to deliver advanced techs and products. Security is our primary concern when it comes to your digital transformation. 

We are determined to seek innovative solutions that meet individual companies’ needs. That is why we know what technologies spell success for your business today. 

PNN Soft takes full advantage of RAD, Scrum, and Agile methodologies to ensure constant communication with customers and build a flexible development process. Our Agile-teams of professionals include software developers, testers, GUI designers, technical writers, and managers.

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