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Valuable insights on digital self-service — use customer engagement software!

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How can we define a customer engagement platform? Simply put, it is software assisting in creating and managing customer experiences via personalized interactions through several communication channels. So skilled IT vendors can collect, enhance and analyse customer journeys. What are the main features of customer engagement solutions?

  1. 360-degree customer view, equipped with transactional data collection and multichannel personnel. The system should also automatically update the history of customer interactions.
  2. Customer conversion and retention. The feature implies various multichannel interactions (email, web, social media, phone) and enhanced customer segmentation according to transactional and demographic criteria. 
  3. Tools for targeted marketing campaign creation and automated customer surveys. 
  4. Customer journey management visualizes and analyses visitors’ journeys, generating activities in line with the history of clients’ requests. 
  5. AI, reporting and analytics, including customer behaviour and preferences analysis, CSAT scoring and personalized customer interactions, reports, and dashboards. 
  6. Consumer service portals (chatbots, communities, and other tools for improving customer interaction). 

In this post, we are going to consider the importance and usefulness of self-service portals in more detail and highlight the main steps of creating customer service software

Why is that type of solution crucial for a successful business customer service strategy?

First, it enables companies to provide clients support at scale, as self-service solutions help find solutions for problems (it is sometimes impossible to get a prompt answer from a customer support agency immediately). Statistics confirm that most customers prefer self-service options to taking advantage of clients’ support services: around 90% of customers expect companies to offer a self-service customer support portal. Additionally, 70% of clients are willing to deal with service and product issues independently. 

What are the main features of self-service solutions?

However, it is essential to remember that building a self-service portal does not imply having the clients log their tickets only. It goes beyond offering an easy-to-use interface to increase the loyalty of your clients and enhance user engagement levels with the help of self-service tools. Before designing and delivering a self-service portal, you should consider the main building blocks. The first essential step is making a service request catalogue aimed at depicting which items or procedures a service provider should deliver. Secondly, you have to define request models for each item; It will lead to turning each action into a repeatable and consistent process. 

Customer engagement software, IT solutions for business

Here are more tips on making your self-service solution function effective:

Tools to engage with clients and involve them in the process

Solutions for feedback and surveys to keep customers. Feedback and reviews after receiving a service is an important tool for business development. However, not every customer is ready to leave feedback, especially if they are satisfied with the service. Therefore, on the self-service sections of the portal or when using the terminal, the system offers to pass a survey.  Questions are simple and do not take much time, sometimes they may be limited to one alternative question: “Was this information useful to you?” or “Were you able to solve your problem?”. Business can conduct surveys and encourage users to provide feedback. The information obtained allows the business to improve its services, get rid of problems or introduce new solutions.

Personalized support. Customer service software solutions are extensive.  There are popular programs and software to provide personalized support for users via e-mail. Specialists can send promotional offers, discount coupons to the users who are most interested in this.  Segmentation of e-mail allows to establish services, separate critical customer requests from spam, etc.

Software for self-service terminals/kiosks. Solutions for banks, shopping malls, power grids, citizen service centres. Terminals save consumers’ time, cut the chain of interaction with the organization’s staff and bring the consumer to his goal more quickly. Terminals can provide background information, organize customer service by staff, or eliminate interaction with them altogether. 

These were tools to increase the level of customer engagement. Among others, we can highlight other advantages: 

Take your initial step to software and app development for customer service!

Our team is experienced enough to provide our customers with highly efficient customer service softwarePNN Soft has been creating web, desktop and mobile solutions for 20 years; we keep honing our skills and track the latest technologies applicable to particular business branches. That is why we know which feature set spells success for your industry today.

PNN Soft prioritizes RAD, Scrum, and Agile methodologies to ensure constant communication among stakeholders and build a flexible manufacturing process. Establishing cooperation and sharing ideas is key to creating reliable programming products and services. Our Agile teams of professionals include software developers, testers, GUI designers, technical writers, and managers. 

If you are ready to take the initial step to develop an in-store/online integrated experience, fill in the form below.