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The efficient concept for software development

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Software product development involves a variety of methodologies, the choice of which depends on the specifics of the project, the budgeting system, and subjective preferences. The development concept is an essential element, and the entire project’s success depends on its quality and efficiency.

An effective concept can save hundreds of thousands of dollars and months of software solution development. Proof of Concept in Software Development (PoC) is a tool that allows businesses to test their ideas with a minimally viable product (MVP). PoC can also help companies to identify potential problems with the product idea and find solutions before it goes to market.

This post sheds light on PoC’s helpful features and how to implement the proof of concept. Without further ado, let us begin. 

What is proof of concept in software?

Proof of concept is a software testing methodology that evaluates the product’s idea and potential in natural conditions at the initial stage of the product lifecycle. As a result, PoC allows you to make a rational decision about creating a software product.

Proof of concept in software development is necessary to:

How do you define whether PoC is essential for your company? The test run is precious in the following situations:

  1. Suppose you need to create an app or platform from scratch. Before investing funds in building your software, it is worthwhile to implement PoC. 
  2. If you want to modify existing technology, service or product. PoC test allows for analysing the value and feasibility of the future components. 
  3. If your goal is to introduce new technology. Before full-scale technological advancements, your company promptly analyses current processes and systems to check if the existing software is compatible with innovative tools. 

Poc development, MVP, and prototype — stages of a software product in the implementation process

It is necessary to distinguish these terms since they denote a different stage or state of the product. PoC and prototype are interchangeable concepts because they exist at the same stage. The prototype is the first straightforward iteration of your software idea. The prototype has a target functionality and a template design. In the prototype, UX and UI are implemented with minimal capabilities. The concept proceeds from the prototype and evaluates it at the same time. 

A proof of concept development implies several steps of collaboration with well-defined roles of all stakeholders. 

All products are initially based on assumptions, which is natural – however, your objective is to validate them by analysing real-life pain points. Your solution, correspondingly, will work on tackling those problems examined thanks to detailed feedback from various user groups. At this stage, the following questions need to be addressed:

What is the general objective of the solution?

What criteria can you apply to determine the platform’s success?

Are there any similar solutions? And if so, what extra features can you provide to customers? 

This stage evolves from the last question mentioned above: your goal is to scrutinise the offers from competitors and agree on the corresponding timeframe and budget. The technical expert’s support is required to decide what function set is a must and which features are redundant in your case. During the ideation phase, you might come across unexpected ideas and insights valuable for the development process.

The designers can select any form you prefer – wireframe, simple sketch or mockup – and present it during iterations. The main thing in the poc software development process is to propose envisioned features as clearly as possible. Also, your prototypes have to shed light on basic UX/UI features and workflow details. After evaluating prototypes by the team, you present them to target user groups and request feedback.

In line with users’ feedback, you define the pros and cons of tools, finding out if the programming product is intuitively understandable. Alongside that, testing can reveal weak system components that you have to improve in the future. The team of designers and developers jointly refine the solution until it fully meets the audience’s needs. 

Finally and vitally, you have to create a roadmap that outlines your product’s objectives and key functionality. It is also critical to add recommendations for further updates and refinements, which may serve as bargaining chips for investors or supporting material for similar projects. 

PNN Soft is a reliable software development vendor

PNN Soft Company is a leading developer company. We have been providing software development for years. Going through all the stages of development, we re-implement new pro-frame products for our customers, starting from the idea and ending with the post-release phases.

Today, the software is an integral part of effective promotion. So the question of what is poc in software development acquires a new relevance. 

To encapsulate, an effective development concept involves: