Web applications development by PNN Soft using Ruby on Rails technology

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Experts of PNN Soft company are using modern and reliable Ruby on Rails technology

Ruby on Rails provides an architectural pattern, multi-level framework for the construction and development of web applications using the database.

The framework is based on the architecture of the Model-View-Controller (Model-View-Controller, MVC).

Ruby on Rails framework is one of the technologies used by us to meet the challenges of different levels of complexity and orientation. One of the main benefits of using Ruby on Rails for the development of software is flexibility and speed of development. While working with the Ruby on Rails our specialists are integrating with lots of Databases such as: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and others. As a web-server, our programmers usually use Apache and others. 

If you are interested in custom software development based on Ruby on Rails technology, please, contact us, filling up the form below.