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AR Solutions for Training

The augmented reality training is worth the attention of businesses across various spheres. We create AR solutions that increase the productivity of results for both education and business.

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How does the technology operate?

Increase student engagement and improve productivity in the workplace through reliable training augmented reality solutions. Simply put, AR tools enable users to turn digital elements into real-life environment objects. Augmented reality practices can be implemented from various devices: tablets, phones, and headsets. Users are also free to apply digital objects in 3D to a real-life environment and manipulate their parameters. We combine modern technologies and training methodologies to create quality and productive solutions. The PNN Soft team knows how to help your company to unleash all the benefits of AR in accordance with business strategy and primary needs.

During educational courses or workshops considering one process, skill or thematic unit at a time, training in augmented reality will assist you in highlighting the concrete aspects your employees need to study. At PNN Soft, we deliver a range of behaviour-changing AR techniques, including:

Operations Training, which includes point-of-sale transactions, machine operation, and logistics.

Technical Training, comprising assembly, repair, and manufacturing.

Safety training based on equipment handling or given materials.

Product knowledge training aimed at educating sales teams, marketers, or end customers.

What are the benefits of AR for training?

Hands-on learning

In virtual learning conditions, the study process is quite tangible. However, it goes on with no risk of damaging pieces of equipment or the company’s products. Initially, students may use a virtual machine to practise their skills and apply knowledge in real life afterwards.

Improved mobility

Augmented reality is a mobile-friendly solution which makes it easier to study remotely or in the comfort of an employee’s home. If you want staff members to practice their skills in different settings, course content can be organised across various locations or company buildings.

Captivated learning

When students focus on a particular thematic unit, concept or skill, learning becomes balanced, inclusive and can be acquired easily. It illustrates the principle of gradualism nicely when coaches establish an optimal volume of work, ensuring consistent education.

A set of possible AR-based practices provided by the PNN Soft team:

  • Attaching digital 3D models to real-life objects and settings. Support of video and audio content for even greater immersion in the process.
  • Creating digital models of complex equipment and tools.
  • Images recognition and object recognition.
  • Scanning, reading, and detection. The program scans objects in the camera lens and interprets it as images in the XYZ coordinate plane.

If you need to implement Augmented Reality training and development AR, please let us know by filling out the form below.