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Digital infrastructure & operations system

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Project Description

Delivery of platforms to engineers to consume technology and continually improve the overall customer experiences, developing a set of tools/services for ease of collaboration between internal employees and automation of the business processes.

Developed Solutions

Our developers implement Chatops self-service bot. The Slack Chatops framework allows automation of the operational tasks using a self-service approach. For instance, resources creation, access management with approval flow, requests for information etc. The framework is written in Python based on ErrBot library with a plugin architecture to make it easy for engineers from different teams to develop new self-service features. CI/CD pipeline is built using GitOps flow.

Device management

Fully-managed serverless integration (AWS Lambda, Step Functions) of Device Domain (customer business entity) from internal data sources (manufacturing factories, Data Management) to digital environment, maintaining internal DB (AWS Redshift) and propagation changes to SaaS solutions (SalesForce, Demandware).

Data is also synchronized to transactional DB (RDS PostgreSQL) and exposed using oData protocol via scalable .Net Core web app hosted in Kubernetes with HA configuration. Collaboration Automation.

Fully automated set of serverless tools (AWS Lambda, Step Functions) to automate the integration of Collaboration Tools (JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, Slack) with closed on-prem Identity Management Data Layer (via SQS) with additional tools to provide reporting, reconciliation, disabling idle users etc.

File Exchange

File transfer solution hosted in AWS that enables fast, reliable and secured of sharing files with colleagues. Frontend SPA is written in Angular, the backend is served by a set of AWS Lambda functions, files are stored on S3 using server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys.

Internal Control Automations

Internal Control application (AWS Lambda, Step Functions) that constantly monitors access managements of SaaS platform (Demandware) and trigger alerts if there are any violations of the existing baseline.