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Task management system administration portal for business

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PNN Soft has a captivating experience in IT solutions for business. The company offers software solutions and applications for healthcare, education, banking, power supply, etc. PNN Soft has been creating software solutions for business automation and management for 20 years. In addition, The company’s developers created Task Management Systems and implemented efficient solutions for it. The System includes Task Administration Portal and Task Application for iOS and Android.

Project Description

Task Administration Portal is integrated with the Complex Back-end App for Market Platform. The portal provides efficient and streamlined messaging between two computer systems.

Tools enable you to manage the user access system. In addition, PNN Soft offers the platform as a solution for selecting the audience based on filters for specific tasks. Integration with Market Platform for access management and permission assignment.

1. Website administration back-end for:

2. Mobile Application for task execution includes:


PNN Soft employees are highly qualified. Developers, testers, designers, and marketers work hard on every project. The developers of the company used modern, efficient technologies and methodologies. To implement solutions for administrative tasks, PNN Soft uses AWS, NET 4.5, Angular JS, Objective-C, Java, and MS SQL Server. Refer to the Technologies and Portfolio section for more information about our experience with different technologies and projects that the company has implemented, please.