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SOA Consulting Services

PNN Soft provides companies with robust SOA consultancy services. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural model that implies reusable, interchangeable and deployable software solutions.

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We have an extensive experience in SOA development for different business spheres

We cooperated with more than 20 business sectors, including retail, hospitality, banking, e-commerce, healthcare, entertainment, etc. Thanks to service-oriented architecture, companies can address specific tasks and communicate between platforms to coordinate an activity or pass data. Instead of focusing on a monolithic design, the PNN Soft team aims at optimising digitalisation through SOA and reducing IT TCO eventually. Meanwhile, each business process is implemented as a particular software service through dynamic service orchestration and strictly defined APIs.

SOA in software engineering: main objectives

Get software and technology solutions from our system applications and products in data processing (SAP) developers.

  • Structuring the operation of software components as services (using them when needed)
  • Offering a mechanism for publishing accessible services with their input/output requirements and functions set
  • Preventing governance and security problems on the level of particular components and connections between them

SOA primary benefits:


Companies can reuse services to create multiple applications, which results in saving time and lowering costs.


Businesses are free to modify particular software components without risk affecting other services.


Standardised communication protocols enable users to transfer data between clients and services, notwithstanding their programming language.


Services are available: anyone can assess them upon request.


Debugging smaller components is easier than larger code units, making SOA more reliable.


Different servers bring the benefit of scalability; a lower level of interaction between clients and services allows developers to scale the system with no extra pressure.

SOA – safety and efficiency with PNN Soft

At PNN Soft, we implement service-oriented architecture by using simple object access protocol (SOAP) and web services description language (WSDL). Our skilled developers also apply other effectual technological options: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), gRPC, RabbitMQ, Java Message Service (JMS), ActiveMQ.

If you are thinking of collaborating with experienced vendors or need further SOA consulting, feel free to contact us using the form below. For exploring more PNN Soft projects, please, visit our portfolio.