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App Store Optimization. Tips to reach the success of Your app

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Before diving into App Store Optimization, we would really like to start this article by encouraging statistics. According to the data, average Americans tend to check out their smartphones every 12 minutes. And just imagine, people spend a whopping 90 percent of mobile time utilizing mobile apps. 

Yet the competition is overwhelming too. 


As you can see, mobile apps have truly become the in thing in recent years, and, in a competitive environment, we need to promote apps effectively. 

The magic tool to pushing your app forward

Two primary things you should take into consideration when it comes to the success of the app.

  1. The app needs to be downloaded.
  2. The app needs to be used. 

It sounds quite simple, doesn’t it? However, only if you are deeply aware of exactly how the users find, download, and utilize apps you will accomplish these targets. 

First of all, a massive 70 percent of people use search to discover new apps, while 65 percent of mobile users download apps just after searching. Therefore, we can only draw a conclusion that search rankings are directly related to the number of downloads. 

App Store Optimization is a powerful tool for increasing search rankings, which focuses on organic growth, enhances your app’s visibility, and raises App Revenue. As soon as the apps rank in the first 5 in the search result, they definitely will be downloaded more, because users usually check out only these shortlists. ASO works similarly to SEO, optimizing keywords and conversion and creating backlinks. The critical difference is that the first one is used for Apple Store and Google play, whereas the second instrument optimizes websites. Although the list of ASO ranking factors is relatively short, it yields long-term sustainable results compared to SEO.

Five tips for App Store optimization

PNN Soft not only develops iOS and Android apps but also promotes and supports products. That is why we’ve prepared a list of strategies for you, allowing your app to rank well both on Apple Store and Google Play. But there’s something you have to do at the beginning. At this very first step, it is essential to do research and explore your customer’s preferences.

App Store Optimization by PNN Soft

Just ask yourself, which language is native to the target audience? And hence, which search words they utilize while looking for apps with comparable functionality? Such insights will assist you in optimizing all localizations of the app. After researching, you can proceed with the next parts of ASO. 

  1. Select the perfect name for the App

Efficient mobile app development with a friendly design and comprehensive functionality is a core of the app’s success. However, the right name is the first thing one notices, and it can be perceived as half the battle.  

Here are several highlights for you:

In addition, each keyword placed in the app name has a substantial weight of ranking. It is time to consider the following step to help you put recognizable keywords after the name and description.

  1. Add Android and iOS app store keywords

Again, don’t forget to make a comparison. Look through the top keywords in your category and find some synonyms.

It is better to choose reasonably popular and simple KWs if we talk about a newcomer. Soon you can change your strategy by adding reasonably difficult and more popular ones to achieve a multitude of downloads. 

Android and iOS app store keywords

Now we’re moving on to the description. It is the second most crucial area of keywords, especially for Google Play, in the case of android app development. Your primary goal is to place keywords in a natural way, thereby making them relevant for the algorithm and appealing to users at once. In a nutshell, a perfect description should be informative, easy to read, and well-structured. The optimal length for the description is up to 4000 symbols.

       3. Create the right icon for the app

Statistics show that 560% is the maximum increase in conversion with icon A/B testing. Therefore eye-catching design is a way to increase page views, which can lead to app installs. You should focus on creating an eye-catching but still minimalistic icon, which looks good even in the smallest required size, against both light and dark backgrounds. Besides, the creative app design process often involves presenting several versions to select the best option. Use the tricks of color science and avoid confusion between brands with the same categories as the first impression matters. And the two best screenshots will increase the conversations even more.

       4. Release updates regularly

You may update the app step by step, gradually raising the number of users who can access upgrades. That’s no wonder that the day of release is only the beginning of the upgrading cycle and product maintenance. A foolproof way to app’s app’s efficiency is to discover the strengths and weak spots by analyzing customer feedback. Needless to say, constant updates are a sign of caring about users and their convenience, just like a proper UX/UI development

        5. Support your app

Robust support methodology goes hand in hand with the app’s maintenance. It is essential to support existing clients via special tools and platforms to prevent significant difficulties. A multitude of repetitive cases can be solved automatically, allowing support agents to deal with more complicated issues. The rank is bound to be high, If IT services can communicate effectively and timely with customers, resolving problems on the spot.

A full cycle development by PNN Soft 

We have been creating and supporting Apps for 20 years, and we are particularly fascinated with developing car apps, apps for business, and sport. We specialize both in android, and ios development, adding to our portfolio cutting-edge native and hybrid apps. 

Check out the portfolio for a better understanding of the web products we create.