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Cooperation with an IT company in the development of software for remote work

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Cooperation with remote IT teams brings incontestable benefits to customers, such as participating in development, monitoring progress via management tools, and lower prices. That is particularly relevant nowadays, in the context of the pandemic.  However, it can be quite challenging for a client to make corrections promptly and see the bigger picture when it comes to traditional interaction methodology. At the same time, following a plan while neglecting quality doesn’t sound like a better choice. The solution probably lies somewhere in between. To be more specific, successful communication is a solution itself. 

Alternative types of cooperation allow companies to collaborate constantly during the workflow. That’s why an experienced team of PNN Soft gives priority to more flexible methodologies. So that a customer, who’s engaged continuously in the whole process, can provide a team with feedback or add new valuable features to the project before finishing substantive work. 

dedicated-development-team, custom software

So what are the tools for optimizing the cooperation between clients and developers? Today, we will talk about software agile development as one of the most widespread methodologies, allowing stakeholders to boost сollaboration and empower their endeavors to achieve an excellent result. Based on four fundamental principles, Agile is aimed to enhance learning, planning, and constant collaboration at all stages, from the first business communication to the final delivery of services. Let us dwell on each of the four Agile statements in more detail.

Аs you can see, the system focuses primarily on daily communication between clients and IT-companies, adapting to circumstances promptly. This model of interaction enables the customer to make necessary corrections during the project. Another significant benefit of Agile software development is relatively frequent terms of product delivery. You may also set a time frame for each project stage, depending on the volume of work. Each sprint lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, and it includes a range of iterations, which are fixed in time. 

Therefore, the methodology brings both sides benefits. It allows customers to delve into the peculiarities of development and helps developers deeply understand the clients’ needs at just the right time. Prevention of project freezing or spending extra money – is this not beneficial enough to consider the Agile system as a tool for optimizing your collaboration?

Four stages of the agile software development process

Although various companies tend to modify steps or add different phases during the working process, the core stages remain stable.

  1. Understanding the customer’s vision

The first essential step consists of researching the client’s needs, current strengths, weaknesses, and long-term targets. All the participants, including customers, business analytics, developers, product owners, and project managers, conduct Discovery Sessions to respond to all those matters.

  1. Creating the Product Backlog

In other words, bullet points for describing all the useful features and functions of the future product. It is significant for the customer and a product owner to define the order in which components will be planned, developed, tested, and delivered. This step is also about setting priorities so that a dedicated software development team concentrates on the highest value features. 

  1. Planning iterations

As we mentioned before, after sharing ideas and analyzing proposals, developers deliver separate subsets of the draft. Proceeding from feedback, the team adjusts the plan of action, evaluates progress, and responds to new challenges. The primary responsibility of project managers at this step is to ensure constant communication between stakeholders. 

  1. Carrying on the cycle

Each Sprint combines the enhancement of the quality of the system and adds new features to the service. That is why all corrections are quickly taken into consideration, so the team deals with tiny glitches before they turn into serious issues. 

software development, development team

Is Agile a synonym for effective software development in your particular case?

Statistics show that 60% of companies increase their profits after adopting an Agile system, proving once again that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Without a doubt, enterprises have to take their own specific into account while implementing Agile, because even the most efficient methodology should also be harmonized with the company initiative. So how to define whether Agile appeals to your business like nothing else? Here are the key points.

Instead of focusing on preparing documentation and detailed planning, the agile software development team will be totally immersed in stepwise software development. 

The system is inclined to boost the cross-functional team’s creativity and achieve a short time to market.

agile development, agile programming

Want to collaborate with a dedicated software development team?

PNN Soft provides customers with the best software development outsourcing services. The company has 20 years of experience in creating highly efficient solutions, but we are continually honing our skills to deliver advanced technologies. Our Agile-teams of professionals include software developers, testers, GUI designers, technical writers, and managers. 

Searching for outsourcing IT services in Ukraine? Just take a look at our portfolio here.