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Reasons for business app development. A detailed guide by PNN Soft

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Mobile apps are the new frontier, so multinational organizations and budding companies want to create business mobile solutions. Not all applications are equally efficient, however. Some of the platforms are engaging and easy to use, whereas others are simply hard to navigate. And here’s the question: which set of elements do you have to integrate into your app to make it stand out? Without further intro, let’s reveal the top seven features — essential parts of modern business applications. 

  1. Simple interface and only the necessary functionality set. Paradoxically, a plethora of functions is not always beneficial: lots of features may distract users and affect the app’s speed negatively. It’s better to focus on creating an application that meets your company’s goals and client’s needs — but not overwhelm the interface and functionality with numerous tools.
  2. Easy navigation. Statistics claim that 14% of mobile users delete the application if it’s complicated to use. That’s why a convenient search bar is among the first things you need to develop for your app. Customers tend to enter phrases and keywords while searching content — program your business software to display items accordingly. 
  3. Design that is compatible with smartphones/tablets/computers. A responsive design matters for maximizing the application’s success. Plus, Android and iOS development entails following different requirements. Consider them carefully to avoid hitches related to the user interface.
  4. Analytical tools and social sharing. Thanks to business analytics tools, you can find out what strategy works and what doesn’t. User data provides companies with insights into how people interact with your site, discover sales trends, and so on. Give customers a chance to share your application via social media: they’ll become an additional marketing channel. 
  5. Feedback (it can be a comment box or a link to your business email). Gaining feedback on user experience results in improving your product and attracting new customers.
  6. Offline features. The app will load faster, and users will take advantage of it without internet access in this case. Make sure sensitive data is under security protocol protection. 

And now we’re about to take a deep dive into business app development: what to do before jumping into the market to prepare your app for a successful release? So if you want to create a reliable solution, keep on reading this post. 

How to create an app that closely translates your business value to clients? A nine-step guide.

Software development

Decide on an app concept — Step 1

It’s hard to release a mind-blowing project without an innovative idea. For instance, it’s when your business value is new on the market or your app design is way comfier than other apps’ interfaces. Anyway, define your solution’s zest or think about the catchy features of your future solution. 

Do market research — Step 2

Here you can start by analyzing market statistics, checking for information on social media, and exploring Google trends. It is worth researching your industry trends, as it helps to tailor your application to customers’ demands and pains. A narrow niche may give your company a relatively high conversion, while a larger one has higher competition. 

 Write requirements list — Step 3

Lots of e-commerce apps contain AR features and provide users with a try-before-you-buy option. That is just an example of how top-notch technologies enhance the opportunity of modern applications. Take a look at the newest techs to realize which one will fit your app concept the most. Or you may contact software developers for advice.  After that, it’s critical to create the desired features list — be as precise as possible. 

Choose a cooperation model — Step 4 

Each option has pros and cons, so we’ve made a table to help you evaluate four models of cooperation. 

The models of collaboration

Build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) — Step 5 

MVP is a prototype with the core features set. In other words, it illustrates a solution for solving business issues. After considering the prototype, your IT partners upgrade the system until the app fully meets your requirements. Building MVP is a crucial part of Agile methodology that aims at preventing errors and miscommunication during software development. 

Create UX/UI design — Step 6

As we’ve already mentioned, particular characteristics, such as user-centred design, in-app feedback, analytics, and others, increase customer engagement. What is more, the interface needs regular updates because of the fast-changing IT landscape. 

Think about monetization strategy — Step 7

Simply put, you have to encourage customers to perform actions that will bring your company profit. So it’s better to calculate the budget in advance: it should also include postrelease marketing and app store optimization costs. Concentrate on engaging a wider audience and enlarging the existing customer base as well.

Test your app and test it again — Step 8

After going through the testing phase, creating a smoothly working and convenient app, it’s time to launch beta testing. It allows businesses to come up with insights into how well their applications perform in the real world. Beta testing is key to implementing test interactions, evaluating a user-friendliness level, and finding bugs. 

Maintain the effectiveness of your app — Final step

Finally, consider adding new app features and analyze the performance of the existing ones. Don’t forget about the regular debugging part to let your application operate smoothly. Other highlights of this phase are supporting the app infrastructure and keeping your solution bulletproof and safe.  

How to monitor your application success? One more thing you need to carry out. 

Successful application

We’ve prepared a short overview of critical KPIs that assist in measuring app success: 

  1. Cost per acquisition. The first one measures the total cost of getting a new client for your company. 
  2. The number of uninstalls. Apart from considering downloads,  you should also calculate customers who uninstall your app 30 days after downloading the solution. 
  3. A retention rate. It estimates the number of unique accounts that use an application for some period after installation.

All these metrics are indispensable for better understanding your clients’ expectations and improving brand awareness. Keep tracking them, and efforts will multiply in the long run. 

We specialize in creating success stories for business apps

Successful application

PNN Soft has been delivering programming products for 20 years, and we hone our skills to put our ideas into reliable solutions. We implemented numerous projects, including mobile application development. In these processes, we aim to pay special attention to security.

We focus on achieving an in-depth understanding of an individual company’s goals, requirements, and suggestions. That is why our clients prefer long-term cooperation.

PNN Soft implements Agile, Scrum, and RAD methodologies to interact with clients effectively, meet customers’ expectations, and obtain more flexibility. Our teams of Agile experts include software developers, GUI designers, testers, technical writers, and managers. 

If you’re thinking about creating a mobile app for business, contact us by filling in the form below.