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Education with E-learning in business: nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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Staff training becomes a fashionable trend but – to take away fashion – what are the right motivations to use E-learning?

It this article you may find some tips given by software specialists – an E-learning developers.

First of all, it is important not to forget the specific staff training objectives of each business course: “why” and “what” exactly one will train a staff? Getting to the start, HRs responsible for staff training are often overdoing the content: trying to teach the staff everything at the same course: from detailed history of the company to basic and specific knowledge of related professions etc. In this case, e-learning becomes a ballast or a “general education”. Actually, it’s place is in school and college.

Staff training – is mostly about training your staff skills – exact and useful for your business. E-learning will only be effective when the logic of E-learning training courses is based on the actual business goals of your company.

The system of education in Ukraine is constructed in a way that student comes from general ideological knowledge to practical. It is made so to broaden their horizons. These ideas influence staff training a lot as well as it influences general education. An idea of universal education of human being is great but it is not a responsibility of business staff trainer. 

Therefore, training should exclude everything that might be excluded and train only what is really needed to be trained. Do not worry about broadening horizons of your team. Your trainee usually has a university degree, and if it is not so, perhaps one might not find resources for that in business. A real mind broadening can only happen in a good university.

A goal of staff training is to give an opportunity for a trainee to become a good specialist in practice, to gain opportunity to make a right independent business decision.  An employee can find a real support in a highly specialized well done E-learning course.

The content of E-learning course should be created by highly skilled specialists with a great experience in your business.  And as for software… Best practices shows that it should be made by qualified IT professionals, such as our company of software developing PNN Soft. We have a great experience in developing E-learning courses.