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Cloud services, and how are edge computing improving the Internet of Things?

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The potential of cloud solutions and edge computing

Although effective cloud solutions remain highly sought after, the potential of cloud computing is still quite limited. Therefore, clients and market leaders are beginning to realize that there isn’t much growth left in the cloud. But what makes edge computing an exponentially more advanced option nowadays? And why do a multitude of cloud opportunities lie at the edge sometimes?

To start with, edge computing is a kind of computing that can be done near or at the data source while the cloud processes data remotely. It usually takes some time to transmit the information. That is why more and more businesses prefer to put more processing power close to the source of data. The benefits of edge computing solutions are following:

It’s time to look at the business advantages of tech in more detail.

Five benefits of edge computing services

edge computing benefits
  1. Reduced latency and enhanced speed

Speaking about autonomous vehicles, milliseconds matter, especially when it comes to driving on a busy roadway. The same is true for the cutting-edge factory, full of intelligence-based solutions, or a self-driving car. Plus, confining data analysis to the edge results in minimum latency and relatively short waiting times. The tech is also useful if your goal is to decrease the overall traffic loads. 

  1.  Improved security

If essential data feeds to the cloud analyzer via a pipe, the core business processes become highly vulnerable. For instance, a single DDoS attack can disrupt ongoing plans and the entire company’s operations. While it is considered that edge extends the risk of the potential attacks, it reduces the impact on the whole enterprise. And when you analyze data locally, you get the security blanket. As opposed to cloud analytics solutions, edge allows businesses to deal with local compliance, data sovereignty, and privacy issues.

       3. Significant cost savings 

Edge computing helps companies to categorize all the available data. When you understand which information is critical, it enables you to optimize the data flow promptly. This process leads to maximizing operating costs as well as reducing the data redundancy. 

       4. Greater Reliability

Thanks to prefabricated micro data centers, intermittent connectivity challenges won’t affect the operations of smart devices. That’s because you lost connection to the cloud services. And certainly, every website has built-in limitations if we talk about the transmission of data. The exponential increase in generated data will push bandwidth infrastructure to the breaking point. 

      5. Better scalability

Data is to be forwarded to one data center even if your company works based on cloud architecture. Both modifying or expanding dedicated centers can be quite expensive. Instead of waiting on the coordination of personnel from different sites, you may deploy IoT devices with data management tools at once. 

Reliable IoT development achieved by using edge computing

IoT development

Numerous manufacturing facilities are situated in areas with limited internet. Decreasing bandwidth and reliance on cloud solutions enables devices to operate in an integrated IoT system. As a result, your company gains far less demand on the network and lower prices. 

In addition, edge computing is key to strengthening machine performance and doing troubleshooting. When gadgets can optimize processes without using the cloud, machine efficiency rises. What is more, the technology is indispensable for real-time analysis. So you don’t have to wait until the end of the data delivery. 

Speaking about a full edge computing solution, we should mention Microsoft Azure IoT Edge. This system offers customers various pre-built software modules with a rich set of functions. And hence, software development experts can integrate various modules due to business logic components.

To sum up, edge computing aims at optimizing data-driven capabilities. Nowadays, the tech is widely used in different ways, from the company’s data centre to smart cities and the healthcare industry. 

Custom edge computing by PNN Soft

Custom edge computing

PNN Soft has been delivered programming products for 20 years, and we hone our skills to put our ideas into the newest solutions and services. In this process, special attention is paid to security and IT support both during and after development. 

We are focused on achieving an in-depth understanding of individual companies’ features and needs. That is why our clients prefer a long-term cooperation.

PNN Soft gives priority to Agile, Scrum, and RAD methodologies to interact with clients effectively, satisfy customers’ needs and obtain more flexibility. Our Agile teams of experts include software developers, GUI designers, testers, technical writers, and managers. 

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