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IT outsourcing for medium business and manufacturing companies – getting the maximum benefit

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Mid-sized businesses tend to have comparatively small budgets for IT support that is equal to larger enterprises’ information systems. That’s why an in-house development often seems to be unaffordable. But can IT outsourcing services help your company to save funds and stay up to date on the latest solutions? How does this model operate?

First of all, vendors already have the latest software and hardware, so these costs lie on the outsourcing team. You need to pay for the services only. At the same time, the team of developers is skilled, trained, and has the experience of compelling projects. Outsourcing companies use know-how to prevent various risks, related to malware intrusions, software crashes, and database corruptions. You shouldn’t worry about business disruptions, they get you covered! Finally, the remote team monitors your digital environment constantly and identifies potential problems before they turn into major difficulties. In a nutshell, the benefits of IT outsourcing allows enterprises to focus directly on their core business and marshal resources towards achieving goals. And what do statistics say? As reported by Statista, the market size of US outsourcing reached $132.9 billion in 2020. Just to give you ground for comparison, in 2019,  the global outsourcing market was worth $92.5 million. 

This model of collaboration is particularly useful for medium manufacturing companies, as it allows leaders to automate, enhance and modernize business processes without spending a fortune on software. Thanks to digitalization, enterprises can also improve the rate of product innovation and reduce development cycles. 

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the outsourcing trends, up-to-date IT solutions, and manufacturing services

The most visible IT outsourcing trends

IT outsourcing in Ukraine, IT services for large businesses
  1. Artificial intelligence, chatbots, and machine learning

AI’s machine learning allows vendors to process data automatically and prevent numerous errors. The tech also enhances client service by creating customer journeys that help clients make wise decisions. Chatbots are topical tools for advising on service purchases. And we cannot fail to mention RPI (robot process automation). This innovation is now indispensable for payment management,  ERP, and logistics. Which benefits these trends bring for the outsourcing industry? First and foremost, developers get great employment opportunities and improved productivity. 

  1. Focusing on security

According to the statistics, more than 70% of enterprises are still unprepared for cyberattacks. So when it comes to outsourcing implementation, security is a thing on the top of the client’s list. If you feel like your company is vulnerable to Internet hazards, think over outsourcing cybersecurity for the sake of time and cost efficiency, real-time software monitoring, and losing data prevention. 

  1. Evaluating value and participation in the recruitment processes

Nowadays, customers prefer to set up an outcome-based sourcing strategy and pay for results. The dedicated model, aimed to involve customers in the hiring process, is also gaining popularity. It makes outsourcing more value-driven and interpersonal, which inspires clients’ confidence. 

  1. Cloud sourcing

Adopting the cloud has become the in thing among IT outsourcing companies, and rightly so. We’ve already discussed the cloud advantages in one of the previous posts. Long story short, the solutions provide significant cost-savings, automatic software integration, and unlimited storage capacity. Yet the cloud has a soft spot due to its nature, which brings us back to the second point. If you are thinking about implementing a cloud, outsource security for your platform. 

  1. Outsourcing main business services

A few years ago, outsourcing leadership wasn’t a promising practice. However, more and more small and mid-sized enterprises choose to hire skilled part-time business executives instead of working with less experienced full-time professionals. 

  1. IT outsourcing in Eastern Europe

We’ve included that point because Eastern Europe now has 5 of the top 30 global IT outsourcing destinations. In Ukraine and Belarus, the supply of outsourcing enterprises even exceeds the demand. These regions are remarkable with the range of benefits, such as geographical proximity, close cultural affinity, high quality of services. Developers have strong expertise, and market competition keeps qualification standards at the highest level. And statistics prove it. Ukraine, for instance, ranks 5 among the top countries with the best programmers (average score index is 93.17%). 

So what about outsourcing models? If you want to take full advantage of IT outsourcing in Ukraine or other European countries, it’s time to define the way of cooperation.

Depending on the location, we can distinguish 3 more models:

IT Solutions and Services for Manufacturing. How to address challenges facing manufacturing?

  1. Maintaining uptime

Let’s start by considering the age-old challenge of manufacturing. According to the statistics, automotive manufacturers lose up approximately 3 million dollars per year because their systems don’t work properly. Predictive maintenance can save your time and nerves. For example, machines, capable of sending alerts, inform you about the abnormal level of strain, and help to prevent serious breakdowns in this way. 

  1. Managing data

As a rule, manufacturers have a huge amount of data. However, the information isn’t integrated into different departments’ working processes. To be more specific, the data about customer behavior sometimes doesn’t reach the company at the right moment. Well, fortunately, the IT outsourcing department has something to implement in that case. Business Intelligence Systems assist leaders in keeping internal and external data in one place, analyzing performance, and predicting the market trends. Inventory management, for its parts, allows employers to track the production line. 

  1. Implementing cutting edge techs and becoming more agile

Industrial IoT works as a network of sensors that collect production data. It utilizes cloud software to turn this information into insights about the efficiency of the manufacturing processes. That’s how manufacturers can adapt to changing market demands if necessary. The application of robots is key for improving efficiency, from raw material handling to packing. What is more, developers may customize apps to perform complex tasks. So IT manufacturing optimizes your business and gives you more agility. 

  1. Cybersecurity

The newest technologies, namely IoT and cloud solutions, are particularly vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, you need to explore robust tools and cybersecurity services, including evolving approaches to network hardening, managed backups, and creating security policies. 

We deliver reliable IT services for mid-sized and large businesses

IT outsourcing department, outsourcing implementation

PNN Soft provides clients with high-quality programming products. Our IT outsourcing department delivers stable projects for different industries. The company has 20 years’ experience in creating highly efficient solutions, but we are continually honing our skills to deliver advanced techs and products. Security is our primary concern when it comes to your digital transformation. 

We are determined to seek innovative solutions that meet individual companies’ needs. That is why we know what technologies spell success for your business today. 

PNN Soft takes full advantage of RAD, Scrum, and Agile methodologies to ensure constant communication with customers and build a flexible development process. Our Agile-teams of professionals include software developers, testers, GUI designers, technical writers, and managers.

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