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Efficient development trends in 2020

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The world of Information Technologies changes rapidly, and early the software development process includes newer algorithms and tools. At stake in the new decade, it begs the idea of what will be the information technology of the future, and what solutions and methods of SW development will be in trend for 2020.

Of course, we can’t predict with 100% insure what the IT World will look like in the future. But we are confident that the analysis of the market situation – at the moment helps to define a list of IT trends on its bases.

Data Security and Privacy is a Purpose #1 for any Development Task

The range of events that happened in 2019 confirmed the importance of data protection. This applies to cyber-attacks and several cases of data leakage from social networks and banking services that happened from time to time all over the world. Therefore, information security and privacy come more to the forefront at both individual and company levels. Any website, software, application for desktop or mobile, must be carefully checked for security conditions. Special attention is paid to the security of cloud storage.

The cloud-related enterprise roles and delivery models are the next trends. Therefore, companies that have not fully migrated to the cloud will be making the transition in 2020. You can learn about cloud development services in PNN Soft on our website, or ask by filling in the form at the bottom of the page. In our blog, we also covered the benefits of enterprise migration to the cloud.

cloud development solutions, cloud platform, business on cloud

The cybersecurity issues encompass:

  1. Prevent phishing attacks, in order to secure your username, passwords, social security number, and credit card details;
  2. IoT is not only the potential resource for developing the technology of the future but also a new opportunity for cyber-attacks. IoT security important step in software development;
  3. Increased Data Privacy Regulation;
  4. Mobile devices security;
  5. Security automation. For instance, 50% of the US responded companies plan to use security automation within the next six months to three years.

5G Technology Turns Out a Driving Force for Remote Control

At the end of the previous decade, the telecommunications standards were activity picking up. Well, 5G is the fifth-generation wireless technology for digital cellular networks that have begun wide deployment in 2019.

For the first time, the network was launched as a test in India and Finland. And for 2019, the new network coverage has spread to the regions of many countries. During the current year, 5G technology covers other territories, such as Japan, Norway, Poland, and the Philippine Islands. The first nationwide 5G mobile was launched in South Korea on April 3, 2019.

IoT software development, Software development services, 5G networks

5G networks allow achieving new opportunities for providing any services. For example, it provides software or B2B & B2C systems to work quickly and efficiently. Software development services are significantly advanced and 5G will provide an opportunity to implement multi-level digital projects for any industry.

What is more, the high-speed mobile network and the fast response of software offer new opportunities for high-quality wireless connectivity. For instance, it is remote control of the most precise surgical equipment. Industrial production and the provision of services to private and corporate customers, thanks to applications and devices with 5G support, will be able to expand the scope.

Below we talk about the trends in Information Technology, which will also become more accessible and will receive a new round of development after the spread of 5G.

Internet of Things – Doesn’t Intend to Leave the Trends

The Internet of Things is made up of multiple devices connected to a network, like home appliances and services sensors. The number of IoT devices will continue to increase across industries and areas, as it has been rising steadily and confidently over the last years.

Over the past decade, IoT has steadily developed and expanded its scope. This technology cannot be considered in isolation from all other aspects that are mentioned in the article. Modern features allow you to upgrade the IoT software development area. Smart devices are already used in manufacturing and everyday life. Naturally, their number will grow. Besides, according to experts, connected devices will reach 30.73 billion in 2020 and 75 billion by 2025.

The Advent of AI-Powered Apps is Auspicious Solution for Anything

Artificial Intelligence is the tool with the capability to leverage any industry where it appears. The AI software development service received an impetus to the development and established itself in many areas, thereby incredibly expanding the boundaries of its influence in 2019. AI development companies will definitely be in demand in 2020. According to the data statistics, AI has proven itself in marketing and retail. For instance, chatbots will power 85% of customer service by 2020. And 30% of companies worldwide will be using AI in at least one of their sales processes. Moreover, analysts suggest that human interaction with AI in the health sector will reach 75% in 2022. The technology will affect the surgery training of specialists, prosthetics, etc. AI adoption in the enterprise has unquestioned advantages. Well, 84% of enterprises say that AI will allow them to gain or maintain a competitive advantage, thanks to more rapid interaction with customers and implementation of trade and production operations. It is important to note that 38% of companies that use AI noted an increase in efficiency and achieving significant optimization of internal business processes.

AI software development, AI development companies, artificial intelligence development

The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, with no doubt, will be in trend for the future decade. As to the other sectors, artificial intelligence development had no less impact. This part of computer science shot up in customer service, automotive, marketing, assistants, training, sales, military, etc.

PNN Soft has practiced in AI application development services. We integrated several products for e-learning purposes and have enormous experience in the realization of projects with IBM integration bus for corporate clients.

Animation Software, 3D Technology, VR & AR Occupy the World

Video animation is the most clickable way for advertising, marketing, and is the most attractive tool for UI. Consumers enjoy the bite-sized and multi-sensory nature of video content and ultimately find it easier to consume. Users prefer a pleasant-smooth and especially interactive animation. Video materials with augmented reality or 3D technology are a great sales tool.

In early 2020, Los Angeles hosts the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) event. Thousands of large manufacturers and small businesses, as well as startups, will present innovative technology products. There is a 3D display from Bosch. The car display will use passive 3D technology, which means that there is no need for glasses to interact with it. Also, there are no eye-tracking cameras. It is important to note that 3D and AR/VR technologies have widely and justifiably integration into the automotive industry.

By the way, the gaming industry is not slowing down. Computer animation, digital 3D (CGI) animation and motion capture increasingly occupy a niche in the development of computer games.

Speaking of VR/AR technology, games come to mind again. But virtual reality software development companies provide efficient solutions for other industries. We have dedicated a separate blog article to this topic. Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are instruments for training military soldiers, pilots, and doctors. However, both tech-s are growing slowly but steadily.

UX and UI Always Have a Matter

Any digital product which is used by a human, can’t exist without UX/UI. High-quality UX/UI design plays an important role in how comfortable the user will interact with the interface. UX UI development has one key goal – be user-friendly to increase audience response. This niche has its-own trends, which have gradually and very significantly changed in recent years.

PNN Soft Software Development Team Always Follow IT Trends and Provide Efficient Programming Solutions

PNN Soft isn’t a young development company, but we always follow modern trends in the IT world. Our specialists are highly qualified and use efficient tools for the realization of programming projects. We provide the following:

You can find the full list of our activities on our website and portfolio. If you want to realize your project and to know more about our services, please fill in the form below. Also, we provide software outsourcing for more than 15 years. Therefore, the field of knowledge and experience of our company is wide. We have implemented 1000 projects and do not intend to stop.