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Does Your business must be digital

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The answer to the question “Is Your Business Enough Qualified for a Digital Future? must be “yes”. Digitalization of a business plays an essential role. In the modern world, we can hardly imagine any business industry that doesn’t use the Internet or any digital product for manufacturing, work coordination, distribution, advertising. Therefore, to create a business and make it successful you should pay attention to its digitalization. PNN Soft is the leading and sure-footed custom software development company that realized over 1000 projects for different industries. We know, what are the main needs and differences in apps development for e-commerce, auto and transport, power supply, etc.

custom software development company

How to Determine Software Development Trends for Small Business

The purpose of the article is to make you know the main aspects of development services for enterprises and small businesses, that face many challenges. Great competition among all companies, not only in the field of a particular business but also in general, makes it necessary to make a statement immediately and loudly. On the one hand, for a bright start, you need advertising websites and applications. Therefore, the user can easily find you, find out information, study a product or service and use it. On the other hand, you need to organize the work of a company or business, keep financial and personnel records, and develop tools that will allow your business to function.

From the above, it follows that digital business has two types of IT-products by general goal: 1) internal – for work organization, 2) external – for customers’ use.

Digital products for businesses allow them to reach numerous consumers, organize employee work and reduce costs through optimization. It is important to note that we are talking about a wide range of products, whose implementation features and effectiveness depend on the type of the program or application, the scope of the business and the goals of the enterprise. Companies are increasingly mobile and need a reliable network, while customers expect a flawless digital experience.

Software development for small businesses was too expensive, today it is one of the most spread services provided by IT-companies. However, the main question is why small businesses need software applications. Several benefits meet the needs of the business with the help of IT-technologies.

In recent years, software development for small businesses has seen considerable growth due to the availability of customizable technology and the increasing number of skilled software developers for hire. Small business usually needs web-sites for customers (shopping, café & restaurants, mall’s entertainments, etc), applications for customers (also for shopping platforms, e-learning, finance and banking services, car-sharing and taxi, etc). Staff-training IT-solutions, accounting desktop / mobile apps, HR applications are widely used for the business organization. Over the past few years, cloud development has become a popular service. Large production companies and small companies order the development of cloud systems. We wrote about business migration to the cloud earlier.

Development services for enterprises, digital business

IT development services for business include several stages: development of technical specifications, design, creation of the design concept, testing and debugging. Some products (which a made for customers use) are needed promotion and advertising. In addition, it is important to consider which platform your app should run on. It can be adapted for Android or iOS devices if it is a mobile application and for Windows and macOS for desktop.

It is also important how long it takes to develop a software product for any business. PNN Soft specialists at the initial stages of analyzing business logic and creating technical specifications determine the development time, which they agree with the customer. Depending on the type, requirement, and technology used for the project, each project takes a range of period from one to nine months. But this is not the limit. Any product, even a program, requires support and modernization, regardless of its goals. For example, applications quickly fall in the rating and lose their competitiveness if they remain without updates for a long time. This is not only about internal functionality or design but also about product support on new devices.

Corporate Development Software for Huge Enterprises

PNN Soft has been on the market for almost 20 years and has repeatedly implemented large-scale projects for international companies around the world. Our specialists use the latest technologies and methodologies to improve business operations and increase value for the end-user and provide successful corporate development services. No matter what industry your business is located in, it must be equipped with a digital product, and possibly more than one. Large enterprises are interested in developing unique and automated programs specifically for their activities. For example, creating software for in-company interaction, developing web services for e-learning, and staff training.

IT services will occupy one of the top positions in any industry, but in some cases, this has already happened. Many areas of activity today will not be able to exist without software. Software and application development are very receptive to changes in trends due to the constant improvement of technologies. Today, we can identify the main areas of development for which manufacturers apply to IT companies. Namely, AI, Blockchain, IoT, Mobile apps development, Big Data, Cloud Computing, AR/VR, Cyber Security, others.

How to Hire Best Offshore Developers in UK

PNN Soft works with corporate clients. We have implemented more than 1000 projects in 20 years for 150 countries. We provide a full package of services for the following industries:

Hiring a development team to create software will allow your business to reach a new level and reduce costs in the long term. We conduct a business analysis of the project, and jointly analyze requirements, conduct prototyping, create the structure of the application (or any other digital product), develop technical specifications, create a design, conduct a thorough market analysis, conduct constant monitoring and testing of the product.

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