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How NFC app development can be useful for business

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NFC applications became well-known when they came into existence on smartphones, and after contactless payments started to spread to a wide audience. NFC offers unique opportunities in the field of physical control of access, tourism activity, medicine, and many others. This article will focus on the features of NFC app development and the benefits to different industries.

NFC Payment Apps. More than a Contactless Payment Ability

The NFC definition identifies technology as a short-distance wireless mode, which is within a 10 cm radius. Naturally, the spread of NFC has received in the field of banking and finance, namely in the form of contactless payment. About 30% of smartphone users use a smartphone to pay. In addition to universal applications, banks offer their customers to set their own.

Like any technology, NFC has a special ISO/IEC standardization. Our company ensures that the NFC app for Android, as well as for iOS, meets all standards. The technology must be highly protected in the mode of card emulation on a smartphone. Therefore, the system transmits a unique identification number to the existing radio frequency data reader (RFID). Modern mobile application development includes support for all modes and types of contactless communication. Also, the standards allow to manage and coordinate the initialization schemes and conditions required to control conflict situations during initialization — for both passive and active NFC modes.

In addition to emulating a bank card, NFC devices can operate in two other modes, namely, reading or writing data and peer-to-peer communication (P2P).


P2P allows two NFC-enabled devices to interact with each other to share contacts, files, and sensitive data. Reading and writing mode is used in the construction and data reading of these road routes in tourism, transport, etc. The NFC application development is in demand, such a device supports reading/writing mode with access to information in NFC tags integrated into smart posters and displays.

IT consulting service at PNN Soft is a way to determine what type of communication and NFC mode your business needs. Returning to contactless payment, keep in mind that the world of payments is changing. If most of your customers pay for a product through an NFC system of a certain bank, it may be worth thinking about applications that improve the experience of contactless payment.

The goal of implementation and using NFC-enabled apps on a smartphone is:

  1. To save time on the transaction, ease of use, and protect against fraud for the consumer.
  2. Speed up the payment process and increase the amount of the average check for outlets.
  3.  And for the bank, it is a substitution of cash, growth of turnover, and competitive advantage.

The Technical Aspects of NFC You Need to know

Without going into subtle details about how the technology works we note that it is a multi-level process. Android or iphone NFC app development supports both types of communications – active and passive.

NFC labels are made on a paper or plastic basis and contain digital information. They are actively used in the smart home system or tourist centers as a method of simplifying the movement of tourists around the city. Also, these digital tags have found their use in interactive games and the system of interactive education.


NFC and Business. Mobile App Development in the UK

NFC mobile application development is adapted for multitasking and is used not only in the field of banking and finance. Industry-specific NFC solutions cover different business areas, as follows: transport infrastructure, interactive solutions in the gaming industry, and much more. A few examples will be given below to help you determine what type of business solution using NFC you need.


NFC technology in marketing is used for e-wallets and the ability to link discount or payment cards to them. The integration of loyalty cards into the app is an optimal solution that greatly simplifies ordering and paying for goods. The process of debiting and accruing bonuses is automatic, and notifications about available discounts allow you to notify the customer and provoke him to buy. Promotional offers and coupons are common in customized apps for stores and supermarkets. You can order the development of a mobile app in PNN Soft by filling out the form below.

Quality Control

In order to identify the authenticity of the product, manufacturers use NFC tags, which can be considered using a special mobile application. The app reads the tag data, which includes the information concluded by the manufacturer and confirms the authenticity of the product. This solution is common among manufacturers of luxury wines, brand clothing, and accessories, as well as medicines and equipment.

Identification and Access

NFC monitors access to a car, certain premises or groups of premises. It also allows you to confirm the authenticity of boarding passes, tickets, etc.

Large hotels offer to use a smartphone with NFC support instead of cards to access the apartments. Hoteliers should have the software and technical equipment that will program the visitor’s smartphone during his stay.

Identity is required at international exhibitions, conferences, and other events that include tens of thousands of participants. Making special cards and passes is an additional expense, and using NFC technologies, in this case, saves money.

IoT development services

As we wrote above, NFC technology in your phone provides additional data protection, allows you to verify its authenticity without connecting to the cloud, and create a digital signature. NFC-based access control is incredibly convenient for managing physical access for a large number of geographically distributed objects. For example, for utilities, energy, etc. PNN Soft specialists have experience in working with this technology and are ready to provide a custom mobile application adapted to the needs of your company.

Medicine and IoT

All of the above examples apply to the medical field as well as data protection or access to premises. However, IoT is increasingly integrating with health care. An excellent example of how these two areas connect NFC are intelligent id bracelets. They are designed for people with chronic conditions like diabetes, allergies, and heart problems. In an emergency, this bracelet will provide detailed information about the disease and allergies to emergency physicians. Besides, the NFC-enabled health monitoring app is a tool to better monitor the patient’s condition at home, which allows you to pass the metrics to your doctor if necessary.

NFC Apps and PNN Soft Experience

iOS and Android developers PNN Soft have implemented hundreds of mobile solutions for different areas of business. You can find out more about our experience on the portfolio page. In addition, we have provided security services for corporate information systems through the application of digital signature (ECC) based on RSA, DSTU, and GOST standards.

To get advice on which NFC solution is optimal for your business and, or to order its development, fill out the form below, and our experts will contact you.