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How to find an outsourcing software development team

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In the time of lockdown and the digital explosion, numerous large companies are searching for programming solutions. However, due to the oversaturated IT market, the task gets more complicated.

Let’s start by looking at the geography of outsourcing in 2020. If you want to get cost-effective services without loss of quality, turn your attention to Eastern European providers. According to the statistics, over 1m tech professionals from Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus provide various industries with quality solutions. Such a number of experts result from a high level of STEM and computer science education. For example, Ukraine boasts one of the largest shares of computer science and STEM graduates in Europe. Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania also have a considerable level of digital adoption. And that’s an essential feature for application development companies with remote workers.

All right, you’ve settled on a specific country, and what’s next? If you are looking for a dedicated team for long-term cooperation, Google is the most straightforward tool to start. But bear in mind that your search queries should be short and concise. Try to concentrate on the goal of the search and rule out all redundant phrases. 

Before exploring other websites to find desired talents, you should ask yourself whether you need to engage freelancers or select an outsourced development team. Although hiring freelancers is cheaper than outsourcing, it can be challenging to line up successful communication between stakeholders who have never worked together. Plus, sometimes freelancers don’t have the level of commitment in-house teams of developers have.

Full-stack-software development-experts

Reliable platforms to find outsourcing software development providers

If your company lacks IT-experts and you want to hire outsourced in-house talents or experienced freelancers, take a look at the following platforms:

Despite choosing these paths, you can take full advantage of networking and request other people to share their ideas:

  1. Write a post on social media and ask the community for help. Those who’ve faced a similar situation will give you advice on how to find the perfect team.  
  2. Go onto thematic forums. With the help of keywords, you can easily find out more information about the topic. 

Well, it’s no wonder that after completing the previous stages, you have several potential candidates in mind. To see a bigger picture, examine the team’s previous projects and search for the clients’ feedback before making a final decision.


Needless to say, that a reliable developer has a convenient and the utmost informative website with an extensive portfolio on it. But what else makes a trustworthy partner in our turbulent time? First and foremost, the development company is to comply with worldwide security standards, namely, ISO, PCI, HIPAA. Excellent project management, communication skills, and streamlined Agile practices are equally significant. If IT experts are experienced enough in creating software for your industry, it’s another key to fruitful interaction.

In a nutshell, there are several criteria worth considering. So think them over, select up to 5 potential partners, gather information using different sources, and start the interaction itself. But please remember that you can agree on prices after forming the concept of web-product. 

How to start a long-term cooperation with outsourcing software development companies?


We’ve prepared a brief checklist for you, so let’s dwell on what steps you need to collaborate effectively. Here are parts of the preparation stage:

  1. Have you decided on a company? If you are ready to start the partnership, write a letter, and describe the project in detail. It’s critical to write down all your ideas about the product, the functionality, and the interface. Painting sketches for UX/UI designers will give you extra points.
  2. Define the primary goal of the product. Connect this idea with the future set of functions. 
  3. Share the project scope. If you’re into design, create a visual presentation for developers. You can also add user stories to show which activities visitors will perform on the platform. 
  4. Agree on technical details. In case you hire software providers to keep up the development process, explain what features already exist and which ones you want to create. 

As soon as you prepare for the discovery phase, you can begin the discovery sessions with the team. 

  1. Exploring the product concept and diagnosing bottlenecks. When a customer shares expectations, a team of developers analyses information and identifies potential difficulties. 
  2. Considering efficient solutions, which meet business needs. Experts offer a particular architecture of the future product, and all stakeholders discuss how to implement it.  
  3. Analyzing a project scope and defining priorities. Web app developers and product managers focus on the best way to allocate resources. A specially prepared project scope allows partners to estimate stages accurately.
  4. Creating the roadmap. This step follows logically from the previous one. Consequently, a graphical overview of the targets and desired outcomes helps developers deliver tasks in chronological order.
  5. Establishing the cost, setting time frames, and forming documentation. Again, all measures depend on the elaboration of the project. The final part of the discovery sessions is compiling a list of documentation materials.

For sure, you are eager to implement the newest technologies and functions on your platform. In such instances, it’s useful to monitor technological developments in the world industry and the best IT fields to invest in, like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, Edge Computing, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. In brief, staying informed is a must. 

Software development services by PNN Soft


PNN Soft provides customers with the best software development outsourcing services. The company has 20 years’ experience in creating highly efficient solutions, but we are continually honing our skills to deliver advanced technologies. 

We have created more than 1000 efficient and stable web-products for different industries, including mobile and desktop applications. We are determined to seek innovative solutions that meet individual companies’ needs. That is why we know which technologies spell success for your business. 

PNN Soft takes full advantage of Scrum and Agile methodologies to ensure constant communication with customers and build a flexible manufacturing process. Our Agile-teams of professionals include software developers, testers, GUI designers, technical writers, and managers. 

Do you think about effective cooperation with a full-stack software company in East Europe? Take the initial step by filling in the form below.