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Customer-centric eCommerce mobile banking app and finance applications

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In 2019 the eCommerce market reached $3.46 trillion in spending on online purchases. And according to analysts’ forecasts, this indicator will grow. The convenience of online shopping is unconditional. Therefore, the appearance of the e-commerce mobile app was a matter of time. Although the dynamics of supply and demand for Banking and Finance applications have developed rapidly, 2020 has become significant for this niche as well. In the context of a global pandemic and isolation, online shopping, online banking, and e-financial Commerce have become even more widespread. The specifics of each area are unique, and therefore the Bank’s mobile apps and the finance planning app will differ. They have two things in common: money and user focus.

Service of the Banking Mobile App Development in 2020

Today, online banking is presented in the form of an attractive and understandable application on your smartphone. Initially, the online banking service was provided by phone. Probably, if you are a little over 20, you remember how your parents called the Bank to find out the status of the credit account or to transfer money to someone. And today, you open banking on mobile and in a couple of clicks make a transaction of funds, and even open a small credit account.

App to track finance, mobile banking, ios and android

The main task of any Bank, in the direction of the topic under consideration, is to establish convenient channels for providing services to individuals and legal entities.

The first mobile banking app appeared in 2010, and it had only info-features as view the balance on the card, availability of branches and ATMs, terms of cooperation, and so on. The apps were additional to Internet-banking. As for today, mobile banking is widespread and offers a wide range of features with a high degree of protection. In 2020, a high-quality banking application has all the functionality available in the web version. The leaders are those who can offer a completely online service. Up to the point that the courier will deliver you a card, and you do not have to go somewhere at all. It is still possible to surprise the user in 2020, but the task is not easy. For example:

It is interesting to note that not everyone likes to communicate by phone with Bank employees, and users are increasingly turning to online chat. And some banks have completely excluded the possibility of making calls through the app, leaving only their contact number. However, this decision may be controversial.

Shopping Anytime and Everywhere – eCommerce mobile app

Online trading is taking root as another type of business activity. Given the events of this year, online shopping has received a new impetus to development. Creating apps for e commerce is a new challenge for most brands and stores. A rule is: a unique platform with a unique offer for a specific user. What else can drive trade if not this?

E-commerce app ios, finance app ios, apple finance app

The Foundation for effective e-Commerce is the user. This is why the customer-centric rule is especially relevant for this type of mobile app. An interesting set of features, no restrictions for the consumer, making trade operations in one click, selling on credit, emotional contact with the consumer, personalized advertising – the basic elements for such apps.

The mobile e-commerce app should give the user the impression that they can buy everything right now. In addition to the functionality, the design has its own weight in the question. As with other images, a simple, low-key visual design encourages you to view products and make purchases.

To Control Your Wealth Use App to Track Finances 

We have come to one of the most important issues that almost everyone faces – financial management. As paradoxical as it may sound, tracking spending is the key to raising revenue. However, the control of personal finances, or family finances cause headache, to say nothing about the control of money in the business. 

Applications for financial management can simplify some tasks and get rid of unnecessary paperwork. These mobile apps allow you to dynamically monitor billing, accounting, and minor expenses, such as the cost of travel. 

The best finances app for business allows you to track sales taxes in accordance with tax standards. In addition, small companies in leading countries have switched to paperless financial reporting, some of which they perform even on their smartphones. 

Developing an application for financial planning and management is an excellent resource for investment. The group of these applications claims to have a huge future because everyday companies are ordering financial planning and accounting applications development. 

Mobile App Development for Banking & Finance at PNN Soft 

PNN Soft has implemented dozens of projects for banking, Finance and e-Commerce. Our developers have vast experience in creating online banking apps for android and iOS. You can find out more on the portfolio page, and to order the development of a mobile app, fill out the form below.