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How to launch your web-portal

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The first impression plays an essential role in success. This rule is true for web portals too. The enterprise web portal development is key for efficient activity, with today’s global marketplace being a challenging game of tech. It is a complicated task to create a specific, user-friendly web portal that easily loads massive data and explosive traffic growth for good measure.

Does your business require a web portal, and what is the difference between it and the website? Simply say, a web portal is a specially designed website with particular functions. For instance, dynamic content changes more frequently than typical websites. As a result, it improves content visibility and experience.

Reasons to Start Web-Portal Building

Web portal development service and designing is a complex project. Its functionality is highly difficult to render. If you have just started your business or have decided to create a web platform for it, you should determine what exactly you need. In comparison, the website is much simpler. The main feature of the portal is that it can be accessed with a unique URL and a unique username and password. Besides, dynamic content changes more often than typical sites.

The wide functionality of the web-portal enhanced customer-company relations. The protection of web portals and their speed is much higher, which causes the audience to trust them. What is more, it has multiple integration sources for providing unified information and other user and permission management functions.


You can hire a full-stack developer to implement typical web portals, as follows: B2B or B2C, e-commerce, partner. Reseller, vendor or affiliate portals, SaaS, CRM, user community.

The implementation of a custom portal into your business is an important decision that should be given a lot of attention. Take the time to identify the key features you need.

If you aren’t sure which solution is best for your business – a website or a web portal, consult with IT specialists. PNN Soft has been on the market for 20 years, so we can provide high-quality advice considering the scope of your business.

Choose wisely. Technologies Will Bring Innovation to Your Web Portal

AI and machine learning that optimizes your portal’s algorithms. More sophisticated systems can provide clear and reliable information for demanding analysis and forecasting. This is especially true for web portals that sell products or services. An evaluation of the user’s behaviour and their interest in a particular product is a key success factor for running a B2B and B2C portal or client portal saas.

The same instrument applies to portals for evaluating the effectiveness of your business’s advertising and promotion. For example, you, as an owner, register on a certain platform, enter data about your business and its activities, analyze it and give an assessment. High-quality portals of this type are paid. And their creation is complex, complex, requires technical support and a high level of protection.

With the ability to extract critical data from digital images, videos, or real-world settings, computer vision systems bring tangible benefits to multi-industry businesses.

Hire web designer

If you hire a dedicated developer of a web portal, pay attention to the Internet of Things. IoT solutions produce huge volumes of data to be translated into valuable insights or actionable knowledge. Business intelligence works its magic here with web dashboards for connected device management — this is where data becomes informed decisions. Proximity solutions and exchange data with IoT storage go via JSON and lightweight APIs.

Another technology that is in demand when building a web portal is the cloud. Cloud storage means security and long-term savings. First of all, the development of a cloud web portal is a complex service, and therefore the price for development can become impressive. However, when storing large amounts of data, the flow of users and their operations are not in the cloud, and the enterprise will incur large costs. We recommend reading about the advantages and implementation of switching to the cloud here.

Data protection, security, and blockchain technology are important for e-Commerce. An Oracle application is an agent that establishes a seamless connection between the chain and the web connection and accesses trusted sources to find out whether predefined contract terms are met. PNN Soft has impressive experience in creating web portals with Oracle support, as well as other high-security technologies.

Therefore, these are just trend examples. The list of technologies that your web portal needs depend on its purpose.

Create a web design that will make your sales

No longer ago, we told you why UX is important and also covered the topic of UI. Design is exactly the tool that renders the first impression. Start with the topic of the web portal; secondly, analyze its audience and their mental behaviours. When creating an effective web portal design, psychology is widely used. You can order a web design in conjunction with the development or contact a web-Studio.

How much does the web portal development service cost?

As in many business areas, the result depends on the budget. When allocating it for the development of a web portal, it is important to consider, as follows: Type and Purpose, Domain and Hosting, Basic Tech Stack, Components, Setup/Design/Development, Maintenance, and other internal details.

What is a successful approach?

The answer is simple – it’s important to hire a web developer who is highly qualified. Our specialists have created a variety of websites and web portals of various complexities, including for the areas of banking, e-Commerce, management, education and training of personnel, etc. You can learn more about our experience by viewing our portfolio.

To hire a full-stack developer, contact us by e-mail, phone, or fill in the form below. We will provide you with advice on implementing a web portal specifically for your business. Our services include drafting technical specifications, business logic, data protection, development, testing, web design, and portal support.